aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDedicated to spreading Christian civilization around the world

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christian Civilization will be Built by Faithful and Productive Service

We overcome resistance through faithful service to others. It eventually provides us a platform to speak the truth to those that would otherwise resist it.

Liberals, progressive and SJWs have known this for a long time, which is why they offer service to organizations and institutions of all types. They do it for the purpose of taking over an organization and molding into their own image.

Christians, on the other hand, serve to show forth the character of God, with the goal of helping people, organizations and institutions become conformed to the image of Christ. That is ultimately what Christian civilization will look like, and how it'll come about.

This assumes we become productive and efficient experts in our chosen fields, so people will be inspired by our quality of service and answers we have to give.

If we want a Christian culture, we must become first that which we want others to be.

To better understand how social justice warriors work and how they may attack you, the book below is a must read. I highly recommend it.

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